Treatment of diseases

Ukrainian AIDS dissidents

Information-Wawe Therapy Of AIDS and Tuberculosis

Ukrainian AIDS-dissidents gave theoretical proof of AIDS scientific doctrine as being false

HIV – a child of biological dogma raised by commerce
AIDS, if to believe in horrors described in press and on TV, is spreading with catastrophic speed. But where are the victims – one third of earth population according to prognoses – who were expected to die from the "plague of the 20th century"?

According even to the most exaggerated statistics the number of deaths from officially recorded AIDS cannot be compared to deaths from cardio-vascular diseases, cancer tumors and car accidents. Still, it was the fight with the "activator of the new disease" that took away more than 550 milliard dollars – and it continues to devour funds allocated to develop medicine.

What is happening to our society? Without going deep into the results of practical researches we offer theoretical substantiation of AIDS scientific doctrine as being false.

HIV – a child of biological dogma raised by commerce

The biological theory did not take the shape of clear system of laws and postulates as in exact sciences; still there has been no doubt in one – the main dogma: genetic information goes from DNA to RNA, from there on albumen and never goes back. It follows that all detected viral particles in a cell, especially those containing RNA are pathogenic and are exposed to annihilation. It was not taken into consideration that any living system renders resistance to entropy, that it is open not only for matter with its energy potential but for information as well. It is because this triad is indivisible and the time flow in this world where even 2 seconds differ (we refer to tests of Georgio Pickardy with organic colloids) requires constant activity of certain adaptation mechanisms. It is impossible to work them out once and for ever because of unstable conditions of the environment – we may only assimilate experience of all living storing "the most perspective" into DNA: "the law of outstripping reflection" – this definition of motive mechanism is given by Piotr Anohin. To become firmly established we need to foresee, in order to foresee we need to keep in mind experience of the past that had been present.

Information cannot go from DNA to protein; RNA cannot play passive role of "working drawings" taken from a certain gene: these are complementary interactions and at their implementation RNA will make some changes in DNA structure transferring to Eternity this moment's experience. Life without feedback is impossible and this cannot be denied. Still, not so many people understand that apart from the two components this process needs the third one – "the carrier of progressive experience in the biosphere" – something which naturally penetrates the cell without killing it, something which is quite simple so that its compound parts may be easily recombined perceiving "the prints of time". In the process of RNA interaction with DNA should be introduced information, obtained by an individual, which might be useful for the species.

Logically, it is retroviruses of RNA-containing living particles should be suspected in implementation of feedback which ensures unification of species characteristics and uniqueness of every representative of this species (the law of genetic inimitableness of all living), bringing together into the whole all paradoxes of the Nature.

Why retroviruses? Distinguishing from other viruses they contain two identical molecules of linear RNA and several molecules of ferment of reverse transcriptase. To repeat itself a retrovirus has to inscribe its genetic apparatus into DNA of the host. If it gets into the coding part than it is considered by the cellular mechanism and the new specimen will go away as it came – through cellular shell – probably, carrying something away with it; but being among intrones – which look like "silent" areas – it may be kept for any period of time. These are not litical viruses capable to master all genetic apparatus of the cell-host exhausting and killing it in the end: retroviruses have no chances of mass reproduction; the way they spread in nature is from maternal placenta to the child. This system is not clear yet and has to be studied but the very structure of retroviruses makes us think that this is the mechanism of implementation of the feedback between an individual and the environment, between "real time" realized in RNA and the Eternity for which DNA is considered. The very method of their transfer prompts that they are directly connected to renascence of life. Of course, retroviruses may be suspected in some "evil deeds" but first of all it was necessary to pay attention to the specificity of ecologic niche occupied by them.

Still the science was dominated by the axiom of biology, considering DNA as something unshakeable, casted once and forever like a punched card – with set holes – and even the fact that what passed through these holes always turned to be inimitable (the number of selfness proteins is as much as "stars in the sky") and adapted to its time "exceedings" of scientific-technical progress – it did not bother anyone. Darwin's triad solemnly continued its influence – mutability, heredity, natural selection – 20 generations were pawned for its development. 20 – nothing of the kind! N. Shultz, a physician from Sochi, keeping all blood analysis and its pattern during one generation, noticed: it was from 12-14 thousands leukocytes during the First World War up to 6-8 thousands and today 4 thousand leukocytes – these figures do not bother hematologists much. Change of blood pattern reflects the change of almost all characteristics at the level of not only cell but of organic molecules that it consists of. How did it happen? In the light of the central biologic dogma it was decided to consider retroviruses as an exception that does not refutes the rules.

In 1981 physician Michael Gotlieb noticed symptoms of a strange pneumonia caused by an activator "innocent" in other cases and growing against a background of sharp weakening of immunity. All his five patients were homosexuals. Later on, a similar thing was discovered at drug-addicts – here the risk group for some reason consisted of young people of the most optimal for child-bearing age – 20-40 years old. In 1984 Robert Gallo suggested that the cause of a strange immunodeficiency called HIV is a retrovirus that kills immune system cells. It was only a hypothesis needing further development and proof.

At that time Raygan was on his way to power and he needed to broaden the number of his adherents, so he made a promise to allocate money to fight AIDS: a politic order was formed to find the activator to fight with. And it burst out: it is retroviruses, the prints of which could be discovered by that time in the cell.

Although no one could think of how exactly they manage to kill T-lymphocytes – reproduction possibilities of retroviruses are limited by the Nature itself – to RNA-containing living paricles was transferred the action scheme of bakteriofag – a shaped system intervention of which really ends in death of a bacteria cell and going of many bacteriofags out in an operative field and, therefore, further contamination of the colony. But how is it with retroviruses? It is not enough to make a discovery – we need to understand what we are dealing with. The laws of life are such that it is impossible to find out where is the cause and where is the effect: if a woodpecker is pecking an old apple tree and a man from this house who planted this tree has died – it does not mean that he was killed by the bird. The woodpecker is just pursuing his goals, doing at the same time the work useful for both the apple tree and those staying alive.

In the story about panic regarding AIDS was involved commercial interest – as a result we have horrors pumped around catastrophic spreading of HIV infection. But where is the plague of the XX century? How long it should be expected by such a spread of infection? In the year 1347, when Tatar khan Janibeck Kipchak let in the city black rats (one of the first cases of bacteriological weapon use in the history!), a real plague, having spread instantly over the Europe, took away about 75 million of human lives. Taking into consideration demographic situation the number is too large.

And now we shall put a number of questions which were carefully swept away "under the carpet" by our science. Why at conception two different DNAs are fusing together, what makes them turn to one another by complementary atom groups? How distribution of "hereditary material" is realized: something from the father, something from the mother, something from the grand-grandmother which had been living 100 years ago?.. Is it accidentally? But the one having the idea of DNA structure cannot fail to understand that here the law of big numbers enters into force: if 98% of "the principal molecule" falls on "silent" areas not coding anything, where more than thousand genetic programs prints of viruses and bacteria were found, so there should be an "information channel" to drive all this considered-for-Eternity luggage into "real time", where a quite specific human being is born. And this "information channel" should be controlled by some outer factors, for every single being appearing in the world is unique to set up parameters for its development once and forever at that level when two "immortality threads" create a double chromosome set in the impregnated cell.

Another question: Becoming pregnant, women suffer from toxicosis and it is clear: the fetus is genetically half foreign. But why in norm it is not torn away as all foreign is?

Science is unlikely to have enough of experimental material to answer the first questions, but with the last one is clear: it is retroviruses which do not allow the fetus to be torn away, - the mice which underwent a certain "therapy" were just unable to give birth.

Sequencing – reading DNA nucleotide sequence – showed that "gender problems" begin with the mechanism that predetermines gender of the child: X- and Y-chromosomes "are fighting" with one another and each seeks to impose its program because the one of them needs to be "silent". This means that conception is to take place in the conditions of low immunity where male sperm comes out as the depressant. And why women do not suffer from this? Any physician will tell that first of all, early sexual life exhausts girl's organism and may cause complications. Let us remember that at that time when women were getting married early their life-span was short (in spite of favorable ecologic situation!) and they soon wasted away: "a simple but sweet old lady" – the mother of Pushkin's heroine Tatiana Larina – had only 36-38 years old. Secondly, let's take into account that natural for woman menstrual blood-letting that does not undermine her forces – would sanitary towels be good! – would require urgent help for a man… Yes, the Nature took care about the reproduction mechanism creating a system of protecting proteins. But this takes place if the sperm is introduced in a natural way… And what if otherwise?

Let us refer to historic facts. Philip from Macedonia created "army of lovers" counting on psychological factor: "lovers" will demonstrate wonders of bravery. His reckoning proved to be correct: inherited by Alexander army was invincible but… turned to be defenseless facing epidemics of illnesses which destroyed them.

Nature punishes all extremes – both negligence of body needs of Middle Ages when hygiene was considered to be a demonstration of human sinfulness ("the cleaner – the dirtier" speaking about the soul) and sexual unruliness. The last is fraught with the fact that organisms of people who change often their partners accumulate viral particles with their further recombination and formation of new living entities quite capable to inflict a blow on immune system, which is not ready to face them.

The picture of retroviruses' role as adaptation mechanism of evolutionary process is supplemented by a recent and not yet evaluated in the scientific world discovery that RNA is capable to repair DNA. How can it be different? The formed in cells RNA certainly undergoes some time-connected changes in its compounds' configuration which are introduced by DNA in the process of their interaction.

According to the definition given by authors of a fundamental work "Molecular Biology" Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis G., Reff M., Roberts K., Watson G. "genetic message" from the surrounding world, which is capable to built itself into DNA of the host cell, enters into reaction with canonic steam of genetic code's compounds so that it could be transferred on to DNA.

So, what is medicine fighting with by means of extremely expensive drugs? Is it the mechanism of feedback upon which the life is based? Is it a natural process of cell cycle? It is not difficult to guess that AIDS drugs, believed to be toxic, should foremost strike on dividing with acceleration cells of the most traumatized external tissue factors. These are intestine mucous and skin. We don't have to be surprised that when taking the treatment a set of "AIDS signs" – particularly skin affection and diarrhea – are guaranteed for the patient. It goes without saying that these drugs kill immune system cells and it causes other symptoms – fungous and other infections, all these being aggravated with stress in which AIDS-patient lives. No wonder that people who decided not to take antiviral therapy do not fall ill.

There were times when syphilis patients were placed into a pit with sulphury fumes. People say it helped! If they managed to survive… Nobel Prizewinner, virology specialist Peter Duesberg believes that for more than 50000 death cases is responsible drug AST used to treat AIDS.

The most interesting fact is that those having such "exotic" diagnosis are being saved from tuberculosis, kidney insufficiency, uterus cancer – the list of "concomitant diseases" is growing every year. What is the difference between a "simple tuberculosis" and tuberculosis caused by acquired immune deficiency syndrome? Supposedly, HIV retrovirus is found in its tissues.

How can we discover it? This is one of RNA fragments which are found to be more than 100 thousands in number, - how to find out which of them belongs to cell and which – to retrovirus? By its presence in T-lymphocytes? Still, who will have courage to say that it is a retrovirus and not normal RNA in its working state? One thing remains: to diagnose by antiviral answers of antibodies, as in case with litic viruses. It is possible if DNA already has a retroviral copy and it is occupied doing something showing signs of life activity. However, antibodies spectrum is very broad – the same are being worked out by any break of cell homeostasis, the cause of which may be various. By the way, if to investigate the role of retroviruses in life revival, we can understand why they "terrorize" child-bearing part of human population: the corresponding hormones are especially active in this age group and, evidently, compounds of RNA-retroviruses are addressed to their molecules.

One thing is clear here: quick induction of neutralizing antibodies indicates at an excellent "adaptation" of the host cell to retrovirus unjustly suspected in being parasite, adaptation, elaborated in the process of "rendering services" to one another in the way of evolutionary development. Judging by this factor about HIV pathogenicity is the same as in a criminal investigation to regard ones alibi as proof of committed crime. Moreover, what sense does it make in treating AIDS to introduce antibodies into the cell if they are already produced in sufficient quantities?

By now retroviruses test consisted in presence of reverse transcriptase ferment in cells. What should we speak about now when it was experimentally proved that RNA repairs DNA and it cannot be different because life without feedback is impossible? By the way, presence in cells of reverse transcriptase is not a discovery of today: similar reports appeared in 1983-84 but the main biological dogma did not permit to evaluate its importance for medicinal practice. For the first time in science was created situation reflected in the popular saying: "I would agree to you if Aristotle thought otherwise".

By HIV-diagnostics the famous Koh postulate is breaking: the supposed disease activator should be selected and grown in a clean culture, after that control organism should be contaminated by it and wait for adequate symptoms to those found at infected host.

Is it possible to separate the "stream" of RNA from building material "sea" of host cell, from which RNA creating protein is formed? Gallo himself managed to pick out HIV at 26 from 72 HIV patients; HIV antibodies were found without virus detection at 88 of them. Endeavors to obtain even so modest results as achieved by Gallo led us to a conclusion: HIV cannot be obtained from tissues of patients suffering with "plague of 20th century". It would be very difficult to find out what is it even if it could. RNA is too flexible a formation where thymine, peculiar for DNA, which is not deaminized, is replaced with an easily deaminized uracil.

A last year conference in Lozanne made us admit: perspectives of search for vaccine against AIDS are indefinite, because it is not clear what should be an active force. Any vaccine is aimed at immunity stimulation – and what to stimulate if AIDS doctrine is primarily based upon elimination by HIV of T-cells? So, what is the money invested into?

And what presents itself a chiller-diller appearing both in scientific and popular editions and presented as HIV? First of all, there is no proof that it is not created by a computer, secondly – even if something of the kind exists that it should not be attributed to destruction of immune system which has to be a little "pressed over" to continue human race. Even if we assume that something new appeared in the Nature on the basis of the "old retroviral material" – isn't it a natural answer to our sexual revolutions and ecological problems? Old retrovirus modified according to demands of our time continues its mission nowadays when women's virtue is no longer valued for the sake of future generations, Sodom sin is considered to be nearly intellectual refinement and subtle spirituality, whereas "plague" became mass use of narcotics oppressing immunity.

We should raise a question not about a new disease epidemic but about a specific behavioral disease pertaining to certain population groups.

It is quite clear that HIV-infected mothers give birth to infected children: placenta – a natural way of retroviruses spreading. And what about infection through blood? Well, blood transfusion always has an initial cause, which naturally leads to immunodeficiency. Besides, each disease is developing against a background of immunodeficiency which as a rule is acquired in the process of life, evolving not only due to external influx of matter and energy but also to the store of genetic possibilities which is unfortunately exhausting.

A cell with broken homeostasis will produce different from the norm antibodies – the same which modern diagnostic ascribes to HIV.

By present diagnostic any who is not feeling very well takes risk to enlarge the number of HIV-infected. It is clear that "epidemic activator" will spread with catastrophic speed – still, people die with old diseases which have to do nothing with retroviruses and even if have – it is very remote. This problem requires investigation from the point of view of the new medical paradigm stated in the book of Natalia Okolitenko and Nikolai Kolbun "Cancer – an Intermutation Error: Where? When? Why? How?". The trouble is not in allocation of huge amounts of money for acts which from the beginning have no perspectives – the problem is with scientific doctrine of imposed AIDS-hysteria preventing from understanding of motive forces of evolutionary process and make conclusions contributing to fighting for human health.

The problem of acquired immune deficiency exists – and it will be aggravated if no corrections are made regarding excessive use of pharmaceutical drugs – first and foremost of antibiotics, narcotics and excesses of our times. Still AIDS is a child of the principle biological dogma raised by political and commercial interests which unfortunately are mixing up with evolutionary process of microworld evolving as a single whole with macroworld where everything is constantly changing at the level of molecule and the cell in order to be preserved as a biologic form. Living systems, among which is a man, are the result of genetic engineering implemented by the Nature and viruses are its motive mechanism.

According to Timofeev-Ressovsky evolution goes through 3 stages. Signs, corresponding to real time are selected at the 1st stage; new standards are set at the second; at the third – elimination of intermediate forms not corresponding to tendencies of the general process takes place. This group is liable to diseases which are always attended by immune pathological reactions.

According to investigations conducted by the Institute of Information-Wave Technologies, information control can direct relations between microorganism and host cell on optimal way for human health. We consider it necessary to join the Group of Scientific Revision of AIDS Hypotheses known as "AIDS-dissidents" and are ready to introduce into their research our theoretical considerations and practical results of a new scientific trend – information-wave therapy. We grounded our declaration at the International Conference "Information-wave Therapy and a New Medical Paradigm" that took place on 12-13 October in Kyiv, Ukraine.


Chief of the Department of Biological Theory and Popularization of Science,
Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Information-Wave Technologies, Kyiv
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