Treatment of diseases


International InfoWave Therapy Scientific Medicine Center


Everyday we work hard to make life of our clients
better and happier
Surpasses in the long run all existing methods, both orthodox and alternative medicine
Saves up to 70 % of money expenses during treatment of patients, moreover, the treatment process is twice shorter
Ecological Aspect
Avoids harmful effects of pharmacological usage and those caused by other medicinal preparations
(1) What are the main features of the InfoWave Therapy (IWT)?
The IWT is such kind of a medicine which interacts with a sick human body to do away with its sickness. The entire medicine of to-day consists of physiotherapeutic and pharmaceutical methods jointly with the wave therapy which can be called the medicine affecting any human body.

The main features of the IWT are:
-It is far from being dangerous for the human organism due to the specifics of infosignals of the applied method of the so-called "electromagnetic homeopathy";
-the human organism is astute enough to choose a curative therapeutic signal for itself when it is in need for it.
(2) What is the IWT?
The IWT is a synthesis of science, oriental medicine and folk healing practices.
Scientifically speaking, the IWT belongs to the physics of the space and to space radiation effects.
The IWT draws experience from oriental medicine, makes use of its language and approaches (acupuncture, information supply systems, and other ways of treatment).
The IWT also draws extensively from folk healing practices, and is the result of scientific research of the biophysical features of the energy emanated by the hands of a parapsychologist (healer).
(3) What is common between the IWT and the oriental medicine?
The spectral nature of the extremely weak electromagnetic radiation (ER) which forms the basis of the IWT plays a great part in the interaction of the human body with the environment and is also fully interwoven with the functioning of the human body's physiological system.

The scientific background of the human body's information – its wave field – results in comprehension of the mystery – "vital" energy. This energy forms the basis of the so-called oriental medicine. The theory of circulation and "vital" energy's functionality, the structure of the energy channels, their interaction between each other and a good many of various aspects was pretty carefully worked out in the oriental medicine.

However, despite its thousand year long empirical experience and effectiveness of treatment by means of oriental medicine's methods, its approaches to the human body treatment in its integrity and interconnection the oriental medicine makes use of nonscientific concepts and terms. The empirical approach requires a well founded scientific substantiation.

The IWT is a practical realization of oriental medicinal practice based on the modern achievements of science and technology.

The IWT accepts the concept of human organism "energy channels" (systems) which interact, but it approaches the treatment of patients from the scientific viewpoint of electromagnetic homeostasis.

The methods of IWT lie in the fact that the human body's information field is offered specific electromagnetic signals that interact with the field of a sick human body under treatment.
(4) Are there any connections between the folk curatives and the IWT?
The IWT was created on the basis of studying the healing by means of the operator's hands. This is the main link. However, in detail, the IWT is based on the principle of informational contact between the objects of interaction. Even now there are a lot of rituals performed by magicians and sorceresses that can be explained from the infowave viewpoint.
Folk remedies of the medical magic that the Slavs had were extensive in scope. Here belong the treatment by means of the water, fire, earth, minerals and plants. Most of these magical rites, that were used for cure, cannot be explained exclusively thru its psychotherapeutic influence on the level with faith, although this component is always present during the medical process.

Nowadays, these rituals are quite understandable from the viewpoint of the bio-information within the framework of today's scientific paradigm.
(5) Why are healers not eligible to be taught the IWT? And what is your attitude to the well–known healers?
Only professionals can be admitted to study the IWT methods so that to exclude the people w/o proper medical education who might ignorantly discredit the most advanced methods of treatment. We are dead sure that the idea of issuance of licenses to the healers by the Ministry of Public Health is entirely unacceptable because they give the right for medicinal practice to the persons without medical education.
According to some inquiries, among them there are nine out of ten persons who are the people with mental illnesses of various sort or just ordinary simpletons and charlatans, who entitle themselves curators. But one out of ten among them is a person who possesses the phenomenal gifts of diagnostic art and enjoys curative abilities. And we have a certain attitude towards hypnosis as to the science that promoted the IWT's scientific formation and substantiation. And regarding my attitude to the well–known curators, it is essential to remember the following: if there are curators which don't make any trouble and instead of damage they bring something new to the science then we should let them have their practice. If they are good for nothing, then they are nothing but the "charlatans of the era". Curators and doctors co-existed at all times and some of them paved the way for new trends in science and remained in the history of medicine, while others remained in the history like professional charlatans without quotation marks.
(6) How can one explain the processes of the human body's rejuvenation by means of the IWT?
First of all, the observed results of the human body's rejuvenation can be explained by the normalization of the entire human body's vitally important functions: immune hormone, bioenergy, etc. The human body gets rid of slags; bowels work better, functioning of the vitally important organs is getting normal; there takes place the relieve of fatigue, strains and stresses; pains stop, human body's resistance to illnesses increases, etc. However, I don't think it's sufficient to fully explain this phenomenon. No matter how defiantly it sounds, it's necessary to assume a hypothesis of the possibility to control "the biological time" (Vernadsky's term) by means of the IWT, i.e. to control "acceleration" or "deceleration" of the psychophysiological processes taking place in the human body.

Anyway, it sounds reasonable to look for a scientific answer to such a problem. Those inquisitive doctors who want to see the legitimacy of the way the question is put can avail themselves of the following publications:

  • K.A. Ivanov–Muromsky. Evolution of paradigms and scientific myths about our brain. Kiev: Preprint 95-1
  • V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, 1995-p.50
  • "The mechanisms to control your memory" – The materials of the international symposium 1979 A.A.Uhtomsky – Collected works. L.: Leningrad University 1950 – v.1, p. 173
  • A.P.Dubrov, B.H.Pushkin "Parapsychology and modern natural sciences". M.: Sovaminko 1989-280p
(7) Can the IWT be treated as a panacea medicine?
To a great extent – yes. Because it's based on the human body's "sensibility" (the IWT second methodological principle).
The infowave therapy is such a factor which the human body needs at the present moment, i.e. anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, vessel-dilatory, anti-stress or anti-strain - as the case may be – it is resorted to by using the therapeutic frequencies chosen by the human body which are purely individual and necessary for it at the present moment.
Due to the fact that the human body unerringly selects individually what it needs at every present moment the IWT combats a good many classes of medical problems, i.e. it is a panacea - cure-all in reality.

I fully realize that the orthodox oriented physicians refute the very idea of such a treatment and fail to grasp its message. But pharmacological medicine resorts to using only one method that of medicines. And they think that pharm-preparations of different chemical compositions should be used for various diseases as panacea.
(8) What are the main distinguishing features between the IWT and the acupuncture?
The IWT is a non-invasive method w/o receptors to reflect the influence onto the information field of a sick human body but rather to interact with it. In the IWT all the forbidden points of acupuncture (PA) are used as the points of help for a sick person. All sorts of studied representation on the skin, including chakras, zones of Zaharin-Ged, etc., that affect an infowave membrane of human body are used in the IWT. There is no special need for stock-taking of the oriental medicine's principles in the IWT because the human body decides for itself - its "sensibility" decides what to accept and what to discard. There are no side effects due to application of the IWT, and the recapture of PA for the treatment can be limited to be the range within one and three.

Coaching the IWT physicians – there is used only one teaching day for the acquaintance with the oriental medicine, whereas the acupuncture should be taught for years again and again.
(9) What does the phrase "the IWT is an ecologically clear medical technology" imply?
The ecologically clear medical technologies suppose treatment by means of the natural factors, i.e. the ecologically clean substances of non chemical nature, which are friendly to the human body. These include: phytotherapy, water treatment, massage, etc.

The powerful electromagnetic fields (EMF) of artificial origin (used in physiotherapy to influence the sick) can be unsafe both for the patient and the service personnel. That is why their application is determined or restricted by certain modes of operation and their duration is preset. The electromagnetic interaction is carried out in line with the sanitary norms set for the given band of the EMF means of SWF-therapy (MRT), and, in these cases, the possibility of side effects on the human body can be traced.

In other words, the IWT is "an electromagnetic homeopathy" that is absolutely human body-friendly since it uses the EMF ten orders lower than the level of sanitary admissible norms are. The signals of EMF directed onto the sick human body are identical with the radiation of the sick human body's cellular ensembles. These EMFs are also native for the human body in the evolutionary spectrum of its development, for they are compatible with the electromagnetic background of the environment.
(10) Why there are the various terms in the IWT: influence on BAP, PA, stimulation, uptoning, etc.?
The IWT is the medicine of the future. Nowadays, we have a period of its formation. Such terms as stimulation influence, uptoning, sedative are used by acupuncturists and these terms are widespread in the medical practice these days.

All these terms mean the same for the IWT and they imply interaction. For the human body's requirement when receiving the necessary EM signals from the environment (the "menu" that is suggested) is filled by the human body itself thru the biological feedback. And the result of the interaction the internal EMI with the human body can be sedative, uptoned and any other one that is necessary for the human body according to IWT's second methodological principle – "sensibility" of the human body. And concerning BAP, PA etc. – this is the language of contact in the IWT. There is an interaction with the projection BAP (PA) in the infowave field of the human body in the IWT.
(11) Does the IWT affect the IWT doctor's sensitive faculties?
There are data of the IWT doctor's own experience (Omsk, Kiev, Baku) confirming the rise of their sensitive faculties. The question requests the scientific substantiation and explanation. ("The IWT in Detail. Theory and Practice", - Kiev, - 1996).
(12) What are the limitations to the IWT application as a monomethod and its application in complex?
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the IWT is a monomethod enabling the achievement of much better results than application of other methods. First of all it takes nearly twice less time. More over, it can be used with other ecologically safe medical technologies if necessary. These methods are: massages, water procedures, etc. But alas! There are doctors who cannot get rid of the traditional concepts at all, and they apply pharm-preparations along with the IWT. The rest of doctors do not apply the pharmacology treating the same disease and gain better results. These are the questions for a doctor and a patient to decide which way to go.

There are some problems that are not quite well studied yet. Where it is necessary to combine the IWT with pharmacology – it may be in oncology. This requires supplementary investigation and further research.

Questions about combining the IWT with antibiotics are not quite clear, however. For example, acute and chronic pneumonia is treated without antibiotics with the help of the IWT methods. The gynecological practice considers that antibiotics only treat inflammation diseases. It is done in hospital conditions. In the conditions of self-supporting basis centers, the IWT achieves good results without antibiotics used in gynecology, too.

The right answer is that the interwoven applications should be resorted to where the treatment process is not working. The limits of the IWT application and the results of the IWT application with antibiotics should be deeply studied.
(13) Does the IWT's effectiveness depend on the temporal factor – the time of a day?
Such investigation was not properly conducted for the time being. We consider that such a connection exists, taking into account the oriental medicine's experience is used by the IWT.
(14) Homeopathic remedies – a harmful irritant for a human body. What has it to do with "the electromagnetic homeopathy" (the IWT)?
We use the term "electromagnetic homeopathy" to help doctors with their picture of superfine electromagnetic signals level in comparison with raisings in homeopathy. The point is that homeopathy is well-known for the vast majority of doctors. What of interest here it is the counterposition as a harmful factor (that is used in an ordinary homeopathic practice) which has nothing to do with the IWT whatsoever for the latter deals with a remote biocontrol of physiological processes in human body.
(15) What forms of the IWT organization are the most perspective for diversification?
These forms primarily belong to the system of family medicine (home or family doctor) with the aim of detecting disease by means of the IWT (refer to our publicity section; the IWT – Diagnostic Medicine).
(16) Why it is not recommended to use the pharmacological remedies in the IWT system of medicare?
In most cases the IWT treats highly effectively without any pharmacological remedies and doesn't need them at all. Pharmacological remedies are of little or rather of no effective use at all in treatment of chronic diseases and, moreover, they are not body-friendly. Their cumulative effect combined with other factors of the aggressive environment of to-day isn't predictable. It is extremely important under conditions of ecological crisis like the Chernobyl tragedy. Under such conditions in the Ukraine, for one, we think it is necessary to cancel all pharmacological remedies of chemical origin, if we have any other alternative ways of treatment. Our preliminary scientific and practical researches show that the usage of pharmacological means negatively affects the state of people's health especially due to cumulative effect with the radioactive components brought in as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

The other factors predetermining our attitude towards pharmocologic drugs are: aggressively conducted advertisement campaigns, totally uncontrollable stuffing of the pharmacological market with doubtful medicines, problems caused by pseudomedicines and their expiration dates, utter ineffectiveness of their use and the harm they do to a patient under the conditions of dreadful chemical pollution of the environment, their high cost, the low medical educational level of the population consuming it. It should also be noted that the high price that the victims of pharmacological error pay is irredeemable, namely: sensitivity to medicines, allergy to their usage, hopelessness of antibiotics treatment, short-living of the remission after pharmacopreparations usage and other negative factors galore dealing with pharmocopeia.

The population of the USA and western Europe has a strongly marked tendency about treatment with pharmacopreparations of non-chemical origin and they also are heavily biased to the curative means of other ecologically pure medical technologies. That doesn't mean that we reject pharmacology entirely once and for all – we simply state the fact how the things are to-day in this very division.
(17) How to determine the frequency and the duration of the IWT treatments?
This is determined by the IWT doctor, depending on the conditions of application, its purpose, acuteness or chronic character of the disease in question, and many other factors herein below –taking into consideration the conditions for application: permanent hospital, daytime permanent establishment, out-patient clinics, family or home doctor portable appliances, first aid kits, etc.; taking into consideration the purpose of application:

(a) general prophylaxis of the disease, prophylaxis combating epidemics, prophylaxis to counteract occupational diseases, and/or prophylaxis for the purpose of the IWT pre-emptive medicine;
(b) treatment in hospital, rehabilitation in convalescent center – as the case may be.

Certain IWT methods are studied at the IWT study centers.
(18) Is there any bioinformation contact between the IWT doctor and her his patient?
We believe that such a contact exists. It is pertinent to note that the IWT doctors, being dead sure in proper setting of their diagnoses and the utter success of their curative methods, strive to achieve the best possible results while treating patients. This is a very interesting item from the point of view of bioinformation (not only from the psychological aspect, which is also important) and, definitely, it needs further research and more thorough scientific explanation.
(19) Why does the IWT use the term "information channel" instead of "meridians"?
From the point of view of oriental medicine, the meridians are imaginary lines and this is the European interpretation. They may be both internal and external, but none has ever rigidly fixed them up.

In the literal translation from Chinese, according to Mr Vinogorodsky, meridians and PA are channels and entrance caves.

In addition, we work both with projections of biologically active zones on the information channels and shakers as well as with any other projections of known representations (addresses) on the skin of Zakharin-Ged type.
(20) What is the relative effectiveness between the IWT methods and the methods of acupuncture?
Talking about the relative effectiveness of the methods, the question should be tackled taking into consideration every concrete type of pathology. And such data are rather contradictory in acupuncture. According to our sources, on average, the effectiveness in acupuncture when treating various cases of different pathology, varies from 65% to 72%. The IWT's effectiveness, as a monomethod, is between 82% (chronic diseases) and 100% (cute ones).
(21) What feeling does a patient have during the IWT?
The vast majority of patients undergo varied sensory feelings during the IWT treatment. Here belong: pulsation, warmth, intermittent pain, different parestasies, passing from warm to cold waves, feeling of lightness, easiness and other sensory changes.

The feelings are more often than not specific for each and every individual and they obviously depend on the time when the process of treatment is taking place, they also heavily depend on the place of influence in case of an individual patient, etc. It is significant that, in most cases, the sensory effect springs up in centers of the pathology areas. This is a diagnostic sign of the IWT and it means that the treatment is performed duly.
(22) What are the counter-indications when making use of the IWT?
The IWT can be practically used for treating most of the diseases. In contrast to acupuncture, which has a lot of counterindications, the IWT does not have any whatsoever. In every concrete case, an IWT doctor makes a decision concerning the IWT application. It should be rationally determined when and at what stage the IWT should be resorted to and it should be properly chosen as the main or the auxiliary way of treatment. The IWT should be conducted as the auxiliary means during urgent conditions demanding surgical interference, although it can be the main means of treatment in post-operation period.

It should be noted that there are points of influence (interactions) which can be dangerous and even deadly in acupuncture treatment. In most cases, these points are used to ensure urgent assistance, and also in dealing with unavoidable cases.
(23) What are the prospects for the IWT usage in the near future?
The IWT efficiency is much more tangible at the present time than during the treatment in line with some other methods. In addition, the IWT is body-friendly and can handsomely tackle prophylactic tasks – that of getting rid of diseases at early stages. The IWT is a polyfunctional method and can be used in combined pathological cases.

Therefore, the prospects for the IWT usage won't be limited or stopped both in the near or remote future. We consider the IWT to be the medicine of the days to come.
(24) Is there any definite number of the IWT cases, treating diseases successfully?
The number of the IWT treatments and their duration for every disease at each stage is ever growing. Any IWT doctor, trained in the IWT methods at the International Scientific-Methodical Center of the IWT, "BIOPOLIS", makes a decision about the number of treatments, their duration and other respective items dealing with the IWT curative procedures entirely by herself or himself.
(25) What is the public health system's attitude to the IWT?
The IWT works within the framework of the Ministry for Public Health directives.
The official co-operation of the IWT with the public health institutions is ever expanding on non-stop basis.

Nowadays, the IWT can decide a lot of problems facing the medicine of to-day like family medicine, Chernobyl medicine, prophylactic medicine, medicine of catastrophes, pain killing medicine without medicinal preparations, rehabilitation medicine in all aspects, to name but a few (it should be noticed that adaptability of a human body to some new ecological factors in the evolutionary aspects runs for a score generations to come).

The introduction of the IWT on the state level can yield an unbelievably great economic effect and a possibility to redirect the means for the most effective organization of any public health system.
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