Treatment of diseases

Cases from practice

Information-Wawe Therapy Experience
Cases from practice

Case 1. Patient K., 23 years old. Came to the department of the microsurgery specialized in trauma-orthopedic hospital with the diagnosis of chronic violation of the branch of the radial nerve, middle nerve, radial artery, tendon of the long bender of the first finger, tendons of long-benders of the second finger, tendon of radial bender of the wrist, tendons straightener of the second and fourth fingers on the level of distal third forearm. Trauma has taken place month earlier: patient was cut with debris of a glass. The initial surgical treatment of wounds is made on a residence, an adhesion - by a first intention. At entering in branch of a microsurgery absence of sensitivity I-III of dactyls and the radial side of IV dactyl, absence of flexion I and II dactyls, unbending II-IV of dactyls was noted. On back distal thirds of forearm - rumen of 6 cm, on the palmar side sand - bar rumen 5 see. Operation under a conduction anaesthesis has been executed: epineurial stitch of a middle and radial nerve, a suture of a tendon of the lengthy flexor I of a dactyl, a tendon of a penetrating flexor of II dactyl, a plastic of tendons of extensors II-IV of dactyls, tendons of a radial flexor of a wrist, a plastic of a radial artery autovein. The postoperative period proceeded without complications, routine medicamental treatment is appointed: painkillers, vitamins В1 and В6, a neostigmine methylsulfate, a fixation - 3 weeks. Since the first day after operation informational - wave therapy has been started. 12 sessions IWT on zones IWW are lead: № 15, 24, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 75 on the right. The first five sessions - local influence (zones № 50, 51, 52, 54) was carried out through plaster longetta, and other seven - after its putting off is immediate on range of postoperative seams. The wound repair ran without complications: at presence extensive access from both sides of a forearm the significant dropsy of a cluster was expected, but it has not developed. The pain set of symptoms has been rather insignificantly expressed also. On a background proceeding IWT after taking out plaster longetta the physiotherapy exercises, massage, applications of paraffin wax, electrophoresis with Lydasum and potassium iodide have been started. In a month the course of a vitamin therapy and a neostigmine methylsulfate has been repeated. After two months from the moment of operation complete restoration of sensitivity in a zone radial and a median nerve is marked. Volume of locomotions of dactyls of a cluster practically complete. A month later the muscle force of a cluster has renewed. The patient began holdings from the rod. Thus, at keeping all reference conditions of treatment, addition IWT has allowed to achieve excellent result of therapy in so early times (routinely reduction term lasts from 5 till 7 months).

Case 2. Patient G., 67 years old. The diagnosis: Right hand ganglionitis upper cervical sympathetic and a wing – upper part of the mouth clusters. Has addressed in clinic with complaints of a burning, intolerable, paroxysmal pain in range of a root of tongue, almonds, gullets on the right. Originating of an attack was provoked by a swallowing or attempt to talk. The pain of whining character has arisen in the given range one month ago. The patient (on a trade - the doctor's assistant) tried to be treated self-contained. Then the pain was considerably less intense also application of medicamental therapy allowed to stop it. At the moment of reversion to specialist IWT the patient was not helped any more by any treatment. The pain has become paroxysmal; there was sharp intensifying accompanying with vegetative vessel-secretory breaking in a dextral half of the person. At objective inspection: the patient agitated, kept by an arm for a dextral cheek; at a palpation sharp morbidity in a projection of the upper cervical sympathetic unit is noted. In sampling time the patient every 3 minute has attacks of an acute pain in range of a root of tongue and a gullet on the right, with anemones in a neck and an ear on the right, accompanying with reddening and puffiness of dextral infraorbital range, diaphanous mucous secretions from nose, lacrimation from a right eye.

3 sessions IWT - on 3 zones for 3 minutes in each procedure have been lead. In a time of a session there were attacks of a pain, but smaller intensity (the patient could suffer such pain). Sessions carried out in day. Before the second procedure the patient has noted, that houses pain attacks were less often and smaller intensity, the woman could fall asleep for the first time for last 2 weeks (during which pains could not be born, they were intolerable). Before the third session the patient has informed, that the pain doesn't disturb her any more.

Case 3 . Patient К., 48 years old. The diagnosis: an undissociated migraine. Prior to the beginning IWT suffered disease during 34 years. This pathology burdens a family anamnesis on a parent line. By results of РЭГ – sharp falloff of blood filling in system of internal carotid arteries. At carrying out of magnetic-resonance tomography ( М R Т ) attributes of a hydrocephalus are revealed. In past the patient received medicament treatment which in last 10 years has refused in connection with its inefficiency. Attacks were retried regularly every week, 72 hours last; at altitude of an attack there was a vomiting, after it - an asthenic condition. After 5 sessions IWT REG it was normalized. In total 8 procedures IWT are lead. Attacks were stopped. Long-term results: through 6 years - attacks of a migraine were never retried, REG without deflections.

Case 4.Patient Т., 62 years. Has addressed with complaints to often headaches, vertigos, rising of a slip-ring motor up to 190/120 mm of a hg, sweeping fatigability, breaking of dream, deterioration of sight, a dentagra, unsteadiness of teeth, gums bleeding, pains in cervical and lumbar departments of a backbone, a pain in the bottom of a belly, leucorrhea. Diagnoses fixed: a wide-spread osteochondrosis of a backbone, the secondary ridicular pain set of symptoms, an over-all and cerebral atherosclerosis, ChSMN I-II an item, discircular an encephalopathy, the secondary hypertension, a leukoplakia, a cataract, a parodontosis of 4-8 teeth of a top and bottom maxilla on the right, a cyst of 5-th tooth of a dextral maxilla. Appointed courses of treatment of desirable effect did not yield. 6 courses IWT on 10 procedures without application of a medicament means are lead. After the first course of treatment the over-all state of health has improved, headaches were stopped, was normalized a slip-ring motor (up to 120/80 mm of a hg) The ambassador short time its risings; dream was normalized. In 2 weeks course of treatment is repeated. In a time of the second course of therapy slight pains in the bottom of a belly were noted, leucorrhea were stopped. The third course is started in 1,5 months. In a time of treatment pains in a dextral maxilla of whining character were noted. After the third course of therapy it is examined by the gynecologist. To overall surprise of gynecologists of pathology it is not revealed. Earlier fixed diagnosis - a leukoplakia "have explained" inaccurate record in a card of the patient. Attempts of the indicating of the patient on an opportunity of curing of the given disease with help IWT have been met with undisguised mistrust. After a 3-month's rest 4 course of treatment is lead. It is examined by the oculist - cataracts it is not revealed. And again absence of pathology spoke inaccurate record in an out-patient map. In 4 months 5-th course is lead. It is examined by the dentist. "Discovering" was amazing: Strengthening of troths in the hollows, reconstruction of teeth (necks of teeth have got normal structure, gingival pink, without purulent adjoined, sites of breakdown of enamel on teeth have disappeared; and one tooth shifted on a place removed and strongly there has solidified). The patient regularly in spring and retries short courses of treatment already during 3 years in the autumn. State of health is satisfactory. Medicament therapy does not use.

Case 5.The patient in G, 35 years. The diagnosis: the Chronic antritis. Is in a poor health for 10 years. At exacerbations carried out a puncture with evacuation of contents antritis axils three times. Has addressed in clinic in the season of an exacerbation. Complaints to constant headaches. After 8 sessions of IWT - clinical curing comps study and consultations of the ENT-doctor have confirmed curing. Control diagnostic study in year - was no relapse. Has passed a prophylactic course in connection with ORVI - 4 procedures.

Case 6.The patient 36 years. The diagnosis: an acute purulent antritis. The diagnosis fixed by the ENT-doctor on the establishment of clinical complaints and radiological diagnostic study in which time the horizontal fluid level in antritis axils from both sides was defined. Course of treatment - 8 procedures IWT. After 5 procedures - the radiological control has shown absence of attributes of an inflammation, absence of a liquid in maxillary cavities from both sides. The control over 1 month - is not present a relapse. Hearing disorder and a sonitus, caused by an otosclerosis at treatment by method IWT during 8 procedures - without improvement. Longer treatment was not carried out. The given problem demands studying in conditions of the specialized branch (ENT-clinic) with researches of audiograms, etc.

Case 7 . Patient Zh., 42 years. The diagnosis: a double-end chronic cochlear neuritis, deafness on the left ear. More than 10 years is sick. It was repeatedly surveyed, treated. Has addressed with complaints of deterioration of hearing on the right ear: whisper speech ( ws ) heard on distance of 2 m, informal conversation ( ic ) - on distance in 1 m. Hum in an ear on the right. After 5 sessions IWT (monomethod) the ear on the right was reduced up to norm (ws - 6 м), hum in an ear was stopped. The patient has noted appearance of ear on the dummy left ear - (ws - 0 m, ic - 1 м). After 10 sessions IWT ear on the right - ws - 6 m, ic> 6 m; at the left - ws - 0,5 m, ic - 5 m. Positive changes is confirmed eudiometrically. During year of an exacerbation of disease it was not observed. Probably, the defeat of an auditory nerve was up to standard of neurosensors hear cells of an internal ear which transform a mechanical energy of an acoustic wave into a nervous (electrical) pulse, and it is known, that apparatus IWT produces electromagnetic pulses with parameters analogous to those at able-bodied cells.


Case 1. Patient Sh. Т ., 45 years. The diagnosis - a bronchial asthma, hormone-dependent . Accepted treatment: 1,5 g of Polcortolonum day, becklokort 4-5 sniffs in day, berotek 5-7 times day. In October 2000 years has taken over 10 sessions IWT , the allergist has reduced a dose of Polcortolonum up to 0,5 g day, becklokort - 1 time day and berotek - 2-3 times day. In 2 months after treatment with utilization IWT the condition has considerably improved: Polcortolonum is cancelled, berotek accepted 12 times a day. The condition of leather, cardiovascular system has improved; there are no attacks of asthma.

Case 2. Patient К., 60 years. The diagnosis: right-hand lower part pneumonia, neurotic depression. Suffers an allergy on antibiotics. Hospitalization has categorically refused; IWT has agreed to apply in connection with absence of alternative. Complaints to tall temperature - till 39-40 wasps, a fever, asthenia; sense of alarm, the pavor, suppressed mood. Objective: it is provoked, inadequate; the logorrhea does not perceive gravity of the condition. It is pale, leather damp; the vesicular resonance note on the right abbreviated up to 5 edges, auscultatively - the weakened respiration, crepitations. Extraordinary situation case - 90 impacts in minute, tints sonorous. Roentgen - diagnostic study has refused in connection with «participation in liquidation of failure on ChNPP ". Has received 5 procedures IWT , the condition has improved. Treatment has interrupted without an explanation of the cause. She was actively involved in therapy on which was in 7 days in a serious condition: a short wind, damp barren cough, a fever, the expressed asthenia. Radiological diagnostic study of organs of the chest, revealed a double-end pneumonia with a beginning pleurisy on the right is lead. In connection with indiscipline of the patient in IWT it refused; antibiotics are appointed, to apply which patient has not agreed. As hospitalization has still refused, from the patient the written obligation to keep a regime of treatment and the demand of the doctor is taken. IWT it was in the circumstances carried out two times day with an interval at 6 o'clock, the first two days - domiciliary, then - it is out-patient. In 7 days - significant improvement, the short wind has disappeared, cough has decreased, at an auscultation - at the left on a background of hard respiration dry rhonchuses were auscultated, on the right - the pleural rub was preserved. Treatment continued in a regime of monotherapy IWT once a day it is out-patient, antibiotics were not applied. Zones IWT were selected according to a clinical condition and a pathogeny of disease. In two weeks - complete clinical curing: The phenomena of intoxication, rhonchuses have disappeared, appetite has improved. EKG - age norm. The mental status has simultaneously improved - motorial and speech exaltation has disappeared, has become is disposableer to contact, has returned to labour activity. Long-term results in 8 months - are not present complaints.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Case 1. Patient G., 36 years, with infiltrating tuberculosis of the upper lobe of a dextral lung in a phase of disintegration and a planting, MVT (+), after 2 months of treatment had progressing process. After addition IWT to the basic treatment in 2 months on a control roentgenogram the significant resorption of an infiltrate was observed, the cavity of disintegration has ceased to be defined.

Case 2. At patient B., 28 years, with for the first time revealed the infiltrative tuberculosis in a phase of disintegration and a planting, MVT (+), radiographic defined cavity of disintegration in diameter 4,5 see. The patient in the beginning of treatment has been appointed course IWT . In 2 months at carrying out of control radiographic diagnostic study reduction of a cavity of disintegration in 3 times is marked.

Case 3 . Patient G., 36 years, with infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper lobe of a dextral lung in a phase of disintegration and a planting, MVT (+), after 2 months of treatment had progressing process. After addition IWT to the basic treatment in 2 months on a control roentgenogram the significant resorption of an infiltrate was observed, the cavity of disintegration has ceased to be defined.

Case 4. At patient B., 28 years, with for the first time revealed the infiltrative tuberculosis in a phase of disintegration and a planting, MVT (+), radiographic defined cavity of disintegration in diameter 4, 5 see. The patient in the beginning of treatment has been appointed course IWT . In 2 months at carrying out of control radiographic diagnostic study reduction of a cavity of disintegration in 3 times is marked.

Case 5. Patient Т., 23 years, is sick of a tuberculosis during 5 years. Began disease in school days with salpingo-endometrit not specified etiology concerning which operative treatment is lead. In half-year - repetitive operation, has been diagnosed a tuberculosis of an intestines and a peritoneum. Then radiological diagnostic study of organs of a chest has been lead, the disseminated tuberculosis of both lungs in a phase of disintegration with bacterium allocation is revealed. Process has become complicated by a caseous pneumonia with destruction of the upper lobe of the left lung and education of huge cavities. The carried out antitubercular therapy has allowed keeping life of the patient, but the forecast for curing was remediless. For 5 years disease has got chronic flow, with formation of aged fibrous cavities, constant massive bacterium allocation ; the cachexia, penetrating immunodeficiency, attrition regenerative-preoperatively reserves and resistance MVT to 5 RTR - to a Streptomycine, Isoniazidum, Rifampicinum, Pyrazinamidum and Kanamycinum has developed. Before assignment IWT the patient has passed a course of hospitalization during 7 months with the diagnosis: the fibro-cavernous tuberculosis of both lungs, a phase of an exacerbation, massive bacterium allocation , a cachexia, tubintocsication , an anemia, a chronic pulmonary heart. The analysis of blood from 10.10.02: erythrocytes - 3,0х1012/l, a haemoglobin - 106 g/l , leucocytes - 6,4х108/l, eosinocytes - 7 %, relating to stab neutrophile neutrophils - 15 %, nuclear segment neutrophils - 63 %, lymphocytes - 9 %, monocytes - 6 %, SOE - 56 mm / hour. In sputum from 10.10.02 by a method of bacterioscopy and a culture method are revealed MVT , on a substrate - a heavy growth. On survey roentgenogram OGK from 10.10.02: in all plots of both lungs on a background of the reduced transparence focal shades of low and average intensity, by places - overflow are determined; in the upper lobes of both lungs - thick-walled, irregular-shaped cavities: on the right – 5- 6 cm, at the left – 7-9 see. Roots and a shade of heart are tightened; the shade of a right ventricle is broadened. Despite of conducted treatment by Isoniazidum, Rifampicinum, Ethambutolum and ofloksazyn at the patient asthenia, fatigability, irritability, absence of appetite, a nausea, significant downstroke of mass of a body, bad dream, a fervescence up to 38 was preserved , cough with an expectoration. Leather and mucous membrane pale. The chest impressed. Percussion sound seared-tympanic. Respiration is weakened, variegated rhonchuses. Cardiac sounds are muffled, accent of II tint above a pulmonary artery. A slip-ring motor - 100/60 mm of a hg. IWT it has been appointed as addition to conducted treatment. Already after first week IWT the patient has felt some improvement of state of health which the long time on an extent was unstable. Only after three months of treatment with utilization IWT when the patient has taken over 40 sessions, objective clinical exhibiting positive effect IWT on flow of disease have appeared: the body temperature was normalized, cough was stopped, the patient has added 5 kg of mass of a body. After 50 sessions control diagnostic study has been lead. In the analysis of blood from 12.03.03: erythrocytes - 4,4х1012/l, a haemoglobin - 133 g/l , leucocytes - 7,3х108/l, eosinocytes - 4 %, relating to stab neutrophils - 1 %, nuclear segment neutrophils - 69 %, lymphocytes - 19 %, monocytes - 7 %, SOE - 15 mm / hour. In sputum after 40 sessions IWT bacterium allocation was stopped. Roentgenography from 18.03.03: on survey roentgenogram OGK expressed positive changes is marked - an infiltration have resolved, focal shades have decreased, condensed, their contours became legible. The cavity in a right lung has decreased in 1,5 times, and in left - in 2,5 times. Roots condensed. The patient tolerates antitubercular drugs well. Treatment continues on an individual regime.


Case 1. Patient М., 45 years. The diagnosis: a chronic gastritis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach. The diagnosis is confirmed fibrogastroduodenoskopie. The patient was disturbed with pains in epigastric range before method of nutrition, an eructation, bad appetite, nervousness. Medicamental treatment didn't bring any relief. The operative measure is offered. The patient has arrived on treatment by the apparatus «IWT the Threshold" as a monomethod. The pain was stopped by the end of 3-rd session. Appetite was gradually improved and reduced by the end of 6-th procedure. The psycho-emotional condition was normalized to 7-му to a session. The patient has become to collect mass of a body and after spending 10 sessions has recovered on 1,5 kg. In 1 month after treatment to the patient it is made FGDS. The conclusion: ulcerous defect has cicatrized.

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Case 1. Patient N., 17 years. The diagnosis: Launching amenorea . Chronic antritis. A nodous crop. Complaints to absence of a menses. In an anamnesis - often catarrhal diseases. The heredity is not burdened. Physical development - normal. The secondary sexual attributes correspond to age. According to ultrasonic of a thyroid gland - a nodous crop (2 nodules of 0,8 and 0,6 cm). From the side of other organs of changes is not present. It is examined by the gynecologist: inflammatory diseases it is not revealed. Medicament treatment did not receive. Course IWT was carried out at once in a regime of monotherapy. After first course IWT (only 8 sessions) attributes of a genyantritis have disappeared, the over-all condition has improved. The girl began to menstruate, however the correct cycle was absent. Inspection of the gynecologist has revealed hormone breaking - the menstrual cycle appeared anovulative. In 6 months repetitive course IWT in a combination to a vitamin therapy (vitamins A and Е) under the reference of the gynecologist is being lead. In two months in a time of ultrasonic in a thyroid gland of any changes it is not revealed (research was carried out by the same doctor and on the same instrumentation). The correct menstrual cycle was established. The patient further received IWT in an event of intercurrent diseases, but no more than 3-5 sessions. Long-term results - 4 years. For this time there were detentions of a menses for 7 days which were eliminated by one (!) session IWT twice. In 21 year has married, there has become pregnant.

Case 2. Patient К., 44 years, is observed about 1998 years when the fibromyoma of a uterus in the dimension till 9 weeks of pregnancy for the first time has been revealed, and also fibroadenomatoz of a mammary gland. In 1999 year growth of a fibromyoma till 13-14 weeks is marked. Operative treatment which the patient has refused was offered to the patient. 2 courses IWT on 10 sessions with a rest 2 months have been lead, and at control ultrasonic reduction of a fibroma till 10-11 weeks is marked, bleedings were stopped; the over-all state of health of the woman has considerably improved.

Case 3.Patient В., 48 years. The diagnosis: a fibromyoma of a uterus of 13-14 weeks, anemia II-III of an item. Operative treatment is offered. After 2 courses IWT on 10 sessions with a rest 2 months the fibromyoma has decreased till 10-11 weeks, bleedings were stopped. Thus, these women have departed a boundary behind which operation is necessary.


Case 1. The patient, 62 years. The diagnosis: an acute cystitis. In past it was treated by method IWT concerning an osteochondrosis. Therefore, having been ill an acute cystitis, after consultation of the urologist which has confirmed the diagnosis, sick has refused treatment by antibiotics, has come to centre IWT . Any medicines did not accept. In a time of therapy after the second session exhibitings disease have decreased and parameters of analyses have improved wet. After 5 sessions a clinical condition of the patient and results of analyses wet were normal. The control diagnostic study which has been lead in 10 days after the terminal of course IWT , has not revealed pathological changes in analyses.


Case 1. Patient R, 62 years. The diagnosis: a sugar diabetes II, diabetic angiopathy III item. A postmyocardial infarction myocardiosclerosis, a stenocardia of a strain, an atherosclerotic myocardiosclerosis, NK 0-I an item. Complaints to an alternating lameness, stationary pains and a cold snap of the inferior extremities. It is examined by the surgeon. Amputation of the left foot is offered. On reovassogramme of the inferior extremities - the expressed reduction of blood filling vessels of shin and falloff of blood filling foots. After 6 procedures IWT on reovassogramme the inferior extremities moderate downstroke blood filling shin and foots (50 % of norm) is registered. Operation is cancelled. Long-term results - 4 years. Despite of onychalgias at long walking, an over-all condition satisfactory not operated ; Reovassogramme of the inferior extremities remains in acceptance limits. IWT receives incidentally (nonresident).

Case 2. Patient P., 64 years. The diagnosis: an average Sugar diabetes (during 10 years). IBS . An atherosclerotic (postmyocardial infarction) myocardiosclerosis, NK 0-I an item. An osteochondrosis of a backbone, a vertebrae-basilar set of symptoms, Manjerovsky set of symptoms. Smokes not less than 30 cigarettes a day. On reovassogramme the inferior extremities the expressed downstroke of blood filling is registered. Amputation of foot is offered to the patient. After course IWT (8 sessions) set of Menjer's symptoms has disappeared. Foot reovassogramme - in limits of an age norm. Repetitive course IWT has passed in year. Long-term results - 3 years: deteriorations are not present, in spite of the fact that the patient continues to smoke.

Case 3 . Patient О., 65 years. A sugar diabetes than 10 years suffers more. Concomitant disease: IBS , a stenocardia of a strain, NK 0-I an item. Receives an insulin and Maninilum according to purposes of the endocrinologist. Onychalgias for phylum of «an alternating lameness" have appeared. In past - in similar events received solkoseril intravenously. Though the patient suffers diabetes for a long time, in connection with a service load, regularly to be treated by method IWT has no opportunity. Accepts adequate doses sugar deteriorative drugs to which it is adapted. IWT obtained on zones with primary effect on peripheral vessels (№ 50, 53, 33; and also 59 and 63). In total has taken over 10 sessions. The condition of the patient has considerably improved. By results of lead the reovassogramme inferior extremities (before treatment) blood filling was normalized in shin and foots.


Case 1. The boy has acted in branch with a wound of an upper eyelid of a dextral eye a wood ruler. The wound was taken in. Roentgen - research of foreign bodies has not revealed. From words of mother the ruler was not fractured. In some days in thickness of eyelid pus started to collect: eyelid dense, edematous, from sutures trickles pus. The diagnosis is exposed: a contaminated wound of an upper eyelid. Long treatment within four months was carried out: the antibiotic therapy, was some times carried out revision of a wound of eyelid, an orbit, the periosteum of an orbit was dissected. Convalescence did not step. The osteomyelitis of a bone of an orbit has been diagnosed for the child. Since this moment to the patient it has been appointed IWT . After the third session from a wound it has been taken three chips in length up to 7 mm and width 0,5; 0,2; 0,1 mm. After that the suppuration was stopped, there has come a cuticularization of the wound, has decreased eksoftalm , motility of an eyeball has appeared. A cornea partly epithelized . In three weeks after repetitive course IWT (8 sessions) has left two more chips in the dimension 0,1 - 0,5 cm, there was a complete cuticularization of a helcoma. In situ ulcers the dense cataract was generated. Motility of an eyeball was completely reduced.

Case 2 . Patient B., 50 years. In May the diagnosis fixed: fibroplastic process of a retina of a dextral eye. It was treated it is out-patient and 1,5 months at the ophthalmologic centre of a hospital № 6. Process continued to progress. In December of the same year has addressed to specialist IWT . 2 courses on 10 sessions with a rest 1 month are lead. As a result of treatment the locus of a fibrosis on a retina has decreased more than in 2 times, ability was reduced to read this eye, the symptom of «crumpled cellophane" has disappeared. In year - further positive changes were registered.


Case 1. Patient R., 58 years. The diagnosis: an obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the inferior extremities. A stenosis of dextral ileal artery II-III of an item. To the patient operation - a lumbar sympathectomy, double-ended aortic-femoral shunting is lead by a synthetic prosthesis. After operation before application IWT could pass no more than 100 m with stoppages. On second session IWT has felt warming in dactyls of dextral foot; the over-all condition has improved. After 7-8 sessions both inferior extremities began warm; the patient could travel without a shut-down up to 500 m.

Case 2. Patient L., 60 years. The diagnosis: Thrombophlebitis of penetrating veins of the inferior extremities, trophic ulcers of shin. 17 years after the transferred insult is sick. Has arrived with complaints to the expressed dropsies of the inferior extremities, presence of ulcers in the inferior third both shin, with a putried odor and constant secretions from wounds, a pain and strong weariness at walking. After third session IWT pains in the inferior extremities have decreased at walking and quantity abjointed of wounds, the sense of heat in both foots has appeared. After the fifth procedure pains have almost ceased to originate at walking, the dropsy has practically disappeared; ulcers were completely closed within 20 days after the terminal of treatment.

Case 3. Patient Т., 76 years. The diagnosis: Plural trophic ulcers of a dextral shin. At the patient of 7 ulcerous defects in the dimension from 3 up to 8 cm across diameter (2 locuses of the oval form up to 8 cm and 5 ulcers - up to 3 cm). The patient received medicamental therapy (over-all and aboriginal), however the effect from conducted treatment was not. After second session IWT the pain set of symptoms has considerably decreased, locomotions in an ankle joint (earlier the patient could not move foots) have appeared. After 3-rd procedure the pain set of symptoms completely was stopped, has increased volume of locomotions in a joint. After 4-th session the patient could pass without a bacillus on branch. For 5 lead procedures defects of leather up to 3 cm across diameter have cicatrized, the patient could pass long distances. Ulcerous defects in the dimension up to 8 cm on a dextral shin have completely begun to live in 2 weeks after the terminal of course IWT .

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Case 1. Patient С., 12 years, is on the dispensary count concerning a chronic osteomyelitis of the inferior third of left fibular bone. Has acted in surgical branch of nursery hospital in urgent order for 10 day from the beginning of disease with the diagnosis: an acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of the inferior third of left fibular bone. A condition at entering serious, a body temperature 39 С , dropsy of the inferior third of left shin, strong pains. In the ward to the dissection of a osteomyelitis phlegmon was made to the child, superposition of the performative apertures of the inferior third of fibular bone, injection in the medullar channel of Aleksiuk's needles for injection of antibiotics is effected. In two months from the beginning of disease the expressed periostitis, an osteoporosis of the inferior third of left fibular bone has developed; the slight dropsy of the inferior third of shin was registered, wounds have begun to live, the purulent fistula was discovered. Functions extremities disturbed (the girl went on crutches). On a roentgenogram - the destructive the osteomyelitical cavity of the inferior third of fibular bone with shallow sequestrums, the periostitis is sharply expressed. The complex of stimulating, fortifying therapy, aboriginal treatment is lead. However, the fistula continued to function, purulent discharges breaking function extremities was not stopped. In connection with absence of effect from conservative measures in 4 months operative treatment, however, parents have refused the offer. Course IWT - 10 sessions is lead. As a result of therapy the fistula was closed, the dropsy of a shin has decreased, function extremities was reduced. In a month the girl began to go to school without crutches. Further the fistula did not open any more, the dropsy has completely disappeared, and function extremities are not disturbed. After half-year on a roentgenogram of the inferior third of left shin there was no osteomyelitical cavity and periosteal reaction; the structure of a bone was reduced, the slight thickening of a fibular bone is preserved. Clinically function of a bone is not disturbed, the dropsy is not present. A condition of the child satisfactory, the girl is practically able-bodied. The child continues to be on the dispenser count.


Case 1. Patient N., 60 years. The diagnosis: the Cancer of a mammary gland. Carrying out of a chemiotherapy with regional endarterial injection of drugs has become complicated by development of a penetrating sacculated abscess of mild tissues of a forward abdominal wall. At ultrasonic investigation in mild tissues cavitary education 50 was defined 26 mm, spanned with viscous contents. Within 2 months the patient disturbed subfebrile temperature and pains in range of education. Conducted conservative general and aboriginal therapy (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antipyretics, applications of solutions of Dimexidum, novocaine , antibiotics) was not effective. The patient has been started course IWT with influence on a zone of a projection of cavitary education for 15 minutes 2 times a day. Treatment was carried out in the capacity of monomethod (without application of medicamental drugs). After 3 days of therapy the patient for the first time for 2 months has noted normalization of a body temperature and the arrest of pains. 10 sessions IWT (the woman has refused the further treatment in view of a good over-all condition) then the patient have written out from a hospital home without clinical attributes of inflammatory process have been lead{have been carried out; have been spent}. At check in 1,5 months the patient of complaints does not show. At ultrasonic investigation reduction twice the dimensions of cavitary education in mild tissues of a front abdominal wall (25 is marked - 30 mm).

Case 2. Patient I., 33 years. The diagnosis: an osteosarcoma of a maxilla of IV stage (a condition after palliative radial and a chemiotherapy). As a result of lead IWT therapy (as monomethod of treatment) has practically disappeared a dropsy of mild tissues of the person, has improved nasal respiration difficult earlier, chewing function was reduced, and the patient started to eat firm I peep (before application IWT - could not unclench a maxilla). The motor performance has increased.

Case 3. Patient P., 48 years. The diagnosis: a cancer of an uteral cervix ІІ stages (a condition after the combined treatment), metastasises in a brain. After application IWT (as well as a monomethod of treatment) much less often than steel to show the nausea and a vomiting, has decreased vertigo, have increased forces. The patient has been written out from branch with improvement.

Case 4. Patient Zh., 36 years. The diagnosis: the Tumour of pineal glands, hypertension-liquor set of symptoms, cephalalgia. Cysts of a thoracal department of a spinal cord. Complaints correspond to the diagnosis - stationary headaches because of which the woman was in a hospital last 2 months. However in connection with absence of improvement, the operative measure which the patient has refused is offered. IWT it was carried out as an expected treatment and the palliative help. After the first course of therapy (10 sessions) the condition of the patient has considerably improved also it has started to work. Further IWT it was carried out by courses till 5-10 sessions in dependence on a clinical condition, but not less often than 2 times in year. Each 6 months the patient was examined by the neurosurgeon observing it. In year - control magnet -reverberatory tomography ( М R Т ) has shown that the tumour does not increase, and the phenomena of the hydrocephaly have decreased. Neurosurgeons have found possible to postpone operation for acritical time with conditions of the stationary control over a condition of the patient. Long-term results - 5 years: the patient well feels itself, continues to work, no surgical operation.


Case 1. Patient К., 17 years, the student, suffers a chronic relapsing urticaria with primary exhibitings on the back sides of both brushes. Is sick more than half-year, conservative treatment of improvement has not yielded. At carrying out IWT in the capacity of a monomethod, through 2 sessions the itch was stopped, dream was normalized, appetite has appeared; after 4-th session alveoles with hemorrhagic contents have disappeared, after 6-th procedure the dropsy of dactyls was stoped, locomotions in joints of a cluster in full were reduced. After 10-th session the back side of clusters has become clear, pink, without a coat. Has passed 2 IWT courses. In 6 months after therapy of complaints does not show. Relapses it was not observed.

Case 2. Patient P., 19 years. The diagnosis at entering: a dry eczema of both clusters, an adenoid disease, a dysbacteriosis of an intestines. Complaints to a strong itch, weeping in range of an index finger on a medial surface, a swelling of an intestines, gravity in the right hypochondrium, often pains and dropsy in a throat. It is directed to study IWT by the ENT-doctors, after pre-award treatment of an adenoid disease by low-frequency ultrasonic sound. Dermal exhibitings are registered about 2 years. At the analysis of the data of diagnostic study presence of a yellow-green staphylococcus in a nasopharynx was found out, according to ultrasonic - the phenomena of condensation of a tissue of a pancreatic gland, walls of a gall bladder and stagnation of a gall in a nem. The analysis of blood - without pathological changes. IWT it was carried out on a background antibacterial, disintoxicative and aboriginal therapy. To 12 session IWT convalescence took place.

Case 3. Patient V., 10 years. The diagnosis: the Furunculosis of a leather of the left brachium, both hips. 1 month of 3 weeks was sick. A body temperature - 37,2 C. In last 2 weeks received antibiotics and aboriginal therapy, UVCh , it was treated at the surgeon. Improvements has not come, there were new locuses. At purpose IWT from the first session the body temperature, with 3-rd - significant retrogress of the pathological locuses, absence of new furuncules and for 6-th day - clinical convalescence was normalized. During more than 5 years of a relapse it was not observed.

Case 4. Patient А., 11 years. The diagnosis: the Furunculosis of a leather spins and both rumps. Is sick more than month. It was treated at the pediatrist. Obtained erythromycin on 0,2 g - 4 times day, UVCh and aboriginal therapy. In last 3 days rise of a body temperature up to 38,0 C, originating of the new locuses. It is appointed IWT in a complex with aboriginal therapy. After 2 sessions IWT the body temperature was normalized, appearance of the new locuses was stopped. And, at 2 furuncules which have appeared after 1-st session and have been subjected within 3 minutes to aboriginal influence by apparatus " IWT-THRESHOLD ", abortive flow was observed, i.e. next day in situ the pathological locus the normal not modified plot of a leather is found. After 2-nd session of new rashes has not appeared. Clinical convalescence has come for 7-th day. No relapses .

Case 5. Patient А., 14 years. The diagnosis: Plural carbuncles of a leather of the left and dextral forearm, the person. Is sick more than month. It was treated at the surgeon, received complex therapy, UVCh , but there were no improvements. Over-all condition - satisfactory, a small headache and general asthenia, a body temperature 37,5 C. On the left forearm - 2 cicatrical condensations after the permission of the first carbuncles, with a xanthopathy above them; the same 2 secondary cells - on a dextral arm. On a leather of the left forearm there are 2 carbuncles at various stages of development, on a right forearm - 1 and 1 carbuncle - in range of a forehead between brows; at a palpation are painful. The leather around of them is hydropic with purple-dark blue shade, in a stage of "ripening". In the first day the girl has received 3 sessions IWT for 25 minutes everyone on conforming zones IWW and locative - on range of carbuncles. After that the analgetic effect in range of the pathological locuses was registered, and the carbuncle between brows has resolved (abundant discharge of purulent - necrotic masses). By the evening the body temperature was normalized, the over-all state of health has improved. For 2-nd day 3 sessions IWT for 15 minutes are lead. From same day the girl received an antibiotic and aboriginal therapy. Under influence IWT the "accelerated" permission of pathological process was observed. For 3-rd day IWT it was not carried out, on 4-th - 2 sessions IWT with an interval at 1 o'clock. At inspection: all pathological locuses were cleared of necrotic masses, were at a stage of an adhesion; cicatrical condensations in situ "aged" carbuncles were not, intensity of a xanthopathy has considerably decreased. One more session IWT is lead for 5-th day. For 7-th day at inspection clinical convalescence is fixed, cicatrical condensations were not observed.

Case 6. Patient R., 47 years, the roentgen - laboratory assistant (12 years of the experience). The diagnosis: a total baldness. Complaints to a vertigo, asthenia, an ache in bones, complete absence of a hair on a body. Is sick about 1990 years when after 7 years of work by the laboratory assistant of a fluorographic study the high temple on a right temple has appeared, and in 6 months a hair on a body have completely disappeared. The diagnosis has been put: total alopecia. Under analyses of blood - a hypochromia anaemia (Нb - 90 g/l ), anisopoikilozitozis, the expressed leukopenia. At diagnostic study on Foll faults of bone marrow, a spleen, a pancreatic gland, a liver, endocrine organs, a thin intestines, apparently, connected with a radiation-damage are revealed. 2 courses IWT on 5 and 7 sessions (with 3 week rest) on conforming zones IWW were lead . Restoration of a hair descended serially: on legs, a pubis, axillas, eyelashes, brows and a head. On a head have pristinely appeared thin white lanugo which were replaced on hard and a month later nests of black colour in situ initial their petering in 1990 year (dextral temporal range) have appeared. On a measure of restoration of a hair parameters of blood were normalized, headaches, asthenia, an ache in bones have disappeared.

Case 7. Patient С., 71 year. The diagnosis: the Red flat herpes, the hypertrophic form. Is being sick during 10 years. It was repeatedly treated in dermatological clinics. Last time was on hospitalization, where (from words of the patient) it has become even worse. On 4 tablets of Prednisolonum at the patient the itch has become aggravated. After 1-st session IWT without application of pharmaceuticals, with influence on the locuses of a defeat of leather - the patient has noted significant reduction of an itch in 5-6 hours after procedure. After second session the itch did not disturb absolutely. In total 7 procedures then the patient has told have been lead: "For such a long period of time while I am sick I haven't seen such improvement".

Case 8. Patient D., 39 years. The diagnosis: the Microbial eczema, a mycosis of foots. 10 years is sick. Disease connects to participation in liquidation of consequences of failure on the Chernobyl atomic power station. On leather of foots - a mycosis of foots. On leather of top and bottom extremities, spins, a belly - wide-spread allergids. Received treatment: a spot - treatment of the struck plots of a leather fukorzyn , klotrimazol ointment, dishes, lotions. The effect from conducted therapy was slight, rashes were preserved, disturbed an itch of integuments. After 1-st session IWT of the patient registered significant reduction of an itch. After 2-nd procedure of a rash have turned pale, the itch has disappeared. As a result of lead treatment (IWT) in situ allergids there was a xanthopathy.

First Aid at Acute States

Case 1. Patient М., 8 years. The diagnosis: the Aplastic anaemia obscure (it is possible - autoimmune) an etiology. The diagnosis fixed in Moscow in Institute of hematoly where the patient was observed. The child was ill in 6 years when odontorrhagias have appeared, capillary bleedings, subcutaneous extravasations - is constant. Periodically spontaneously there were moderately expressed gastric bleedings. In the analysis of blood was erythrocytes - 1,2х1012/l, a haemoglobin - 48 g /l , thrombocytes - 0/l, leucocytes - up to 2,0х109/l. Bleedings managed to be stopped only intravenous injection of a packed red cells and high doses of others gamostatics. During 1,5 years all events of bleedings at this child (from gums , gastric, capillary) stopped by means of informational - wave therapy when the device positioned on fixed zones IWW within 5-10 minutes. Repetitive bleedings did not originate any more. If necessary an extraction of a tooth, prophylactic influence with the help of the device before operation within 15 minutes completely (!) prevented bleeding. In this connection, the child constantly accepts courses IWT an intermittent way. Monotherapy IWT was alternated to the combined treatment ( IWT + medicamental drugs). The clinical condition and parameters of blood have improved and have reached allowable magnitudes; the content of thrombocytes - 87х109/l. Now the patient is on monotherapy IWT . The child feels well.


Case 1. Patient М., 71 year. The diagnosis: a lumbar radiculitis. A chronic weeping eczema of a shin. After carrying out of course IWT there took place significant reduction of symptoms of a radiculitis (pains have disappeared, the volume of locomotions was reduced), exhibitings a weeping eczema have completely disappeared.

Case 2. Patient Z., 77 years. The diagnosis: a dry gangrene 1, 4, 5-th dactyls of the left foot. After carrying out of course IWT strong scelalgias, dropsies and a cyanosis of foot have disappeared, the blackened leather began to peel and disappear, and plots with a new integument have appeared.

Case 3. Patient P., 65 years. The diagnosis: a chronic polyarthritis. Suffers often meteopathic exacerbations of pains in knee joints. Registers their petering under effect of IWT .

Case 4. Patient D., 70 years. It is long sick of a psoriasis, in 3 months after course IWT the leather was completely clearedfrom psoriatic plaques.

Case 5. At patient Т., 68 years. The diagnosis - an obliterating endarteritis of both extremities. After two courses IWT the condition has so improved, that he was able to walk without a stick on the big distances.

Case 6. Patient Е., 82 years. In an anamnesis - 4 myocardial infarctions and an insult, a polyarthritis of knee joints. After treatment by method IWT has become move without a stick, can self-contained get out.


Case 1. The patient in G, 35 years. The diagnosis: the Chronic genyantritis. Is sick during 10 years. At exacerbations carried out a puncture with evacuation of contents antrum axils three times. Has addressed in clinic in the term of an exacerbation. Complaints to constant headaches. After 8 sessions IWT - clinical curing, complaints are not present. A course continued up to 12 sessions. Radiological diagnostic study and consultations of the ENT-doctor have confirmed curing. Control diagnostic study in year - a relapse was not. Has passed a prophylactic course in connection with ORWI - 4 procedures.

Case 2. The patient 36 years. The diagnosis: an acute purulent genyantritis. The diagnosis fixed by the ENT-Doctor on the establishment of clinical complaints and radiological diagnostic study in which time the horizontal fluid level in antrum axils from both sides was determined. Course of treatment - 8 procedures IWT . After 5 procedures - the radiological control has shown absence of attributes of an inflammation, absence of a liquid in maxillary cavities from both sides. The control over 1 month - is not present a relapse. Hearing disorder and a sonitus, caused by an otosclerosis at treatment by method IWT during 8 procedures - without improvement. Longer treatment was not carried out. The given problem demands studying in conditions of the specialized branch (ENT-clinic) with researches of audiograms, etc.

Case 3. Patient Zh., 42 years. The diagnosis: a double-end chronic cochlear neuritis, deafness on the left ear. More than 10 years is sick. It was repeatedly surveyed, treated. Has addressed with complaints to downstroke of ear to a dextral ear: whisper speech (ws) heard on distance of 2 m, informal conversation (ic) - on distance in 1 m. Hum in an ear on the right. After 5 sessions IWT (monomethod) the ear on the right was reduced up to norm ( ws - 6 м), hum in an ear was stopped. The patient has noted appearance of ear on the dummy left ear - ( ws - 0 m, ic - 1 м). After 10 sessions IWT ear on the right - ws - 6 m, ic > 6 m; at the left - ws - 0,5 m, ic - 5 m. Positive changes is confirmed audiometricaly . During year of an exacerbation of disease it was not observed. Probably, the defeat of an auditory nerve was up to standard of neurosensorius hair cells of an internal ear which transformed into the mechanical energy of an acoustic wave into a nervous (electrical) pulse, and it is known, that apparatus IWT produces electromagnetic pulses with parameters analogous to those at able-bodied cells.


Case 1. Patient P., 62 years. The diagnosis: a sugar diabetes II, diabetic angiopathy III item. A postmyocardial infarction myocardiosclerosis, a stenocardia of a strain, an atherosclerotic myocardiosclerosis, NK 0-I an item. Complaints to an alternating lameness, constant pains and a cold snap of the inferior extremities. It is examined by the surgeon. Amputation of the left foot is offered. On reovassogramme of the inferior extremities - the expressed reduction blood filling vessels of shin and falloff blood filling foots. After 6 procedures IWT on reovassogramme of the inferior extremities moderate downstroke blood filling in shin and foots (50 % of norm) is registered. Operation is cancelled. Long-term results - 4 years. Despite of onychalgias at long walking, an over-all condition satisfactory, not operated ; reovassogramme of the inferior extremities remains in acceptance limits. IWT receives incidentally (nonresident).

Case 2. Patient P., 64 years. The diagnosis: an average Sugar diabetes (during 10 years). IBS . An atherosclerotic (postmyocardial infarction) myocardiosclerosis, NK 0-I an item. An osteochondrosis of a backbone, a vertebra-basilar set of symptoms, Manjerovsky's set of symptoms. Smokes not less than 30 cigarettes in day. On reovassogramme of the inferior extremities is expressed downstroke of blood filling. Amputation of foot is offered to the patient. After course IWT (8 sessions) set of Manjer's symptoms has disappeared. Reovassogramme of legs - in limens of age norm. Repetitive course IWT has passed in year. Long-term results - 3 years: deteriorations are not present, in spite of the fact that the patient continues to smoke.

Case 3. Patient О., 65 years. Has been suffering from diabetes for more than 10 years. Concomitant disease: IBS, a stenocardia of a strain, NK 0-I an item. Receives an insulin and Maninilum, according to purposes of the endocrinologist. Onychalgias for phylum of «an alternating lameness" has appeared. In past - in similar events received solkoseril intravenously. Though the patient suffers diabetes for a long time, in connection with a service load, regularly to be treated by method IWT has no opportunity. Accepts adequate doses sugar deteriorative drugs to which it is adapted. IWT received on zones with primary effect on peripheric vessels (№ 50, 53, 33; and also 59 and 63). In total has taken over 10 sessions. The condition of the patient has considerably improved. By results of lead reovassogramms of the inferior extremities (before treatment) blood filling in shin and foots was normalized.
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